Craving a calmer morning?
Breakfast Invitations are simple learning activities for kids to begin the day with play and (hot!) coffee. As busy parents, we are on the second our eyes open and look for a quick fix to catch our breath. But often, quick fixes lead to meltdowns and tantrums. Help your child build the foundation of play.
Valentine’s Day for Kids
Winter Activities for Kids
Activities for Kids by Age
You’re busy. Let’s simplify your search with different age groups. PRO TIP: I often talk about the different ages and stages of learning rather than putting an age to a specific skill. Use this list as a guide.
Come Play With Us!
The early years are a glorious time to allow children to think and revisit previously learned concepts through play.
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Latest Kid Activities
Empower your child with skills to thrive.
24 low-prep activities and relatable conversation starters that equip kids for life.
- Order the easy-to-follow activity cards.
- Build the foundation for social-emotional learning.
- Notice a shift in self-confidence and self-regulation as you and your child implement what you practice.
ages 4+