Paper tubes for a roll and drop counting activity? You know it.
Movement and learning – the winning combination. This roll and drop counting activity combine gross motor development with counting to strengthen number sense.
I scan my brain for dozens of ideas, and if they don’t have a wow factor, they are gonzo. (oh, the pressure of a kid activity blogger)
Grab your paper tubes – or hurry up and finish the paper towels in your kitchen. We need to get this preschool counting activity party started asap.
RELATED: Love math activities? Use this math activity category page as your starting place.
Counting activities for preschoolers at home should be fun.
Hand me dice or a deck of cards, and I am determined to come up with something clever for our preschoolers.
Toss in a second die, and now we have an intro to addition activity.
Now, mix some paper tubes with our favorite (painter’s tape), and Wowza! We have a winning Breakfast Invitation.
This preschool math activity is excellent for three-year-olds, four-year-olds, and kindergartners with multiple dice!
Counting activities never need to be on a worksheet
If you have been here for a while, you don’t even need to ask why. But since you are here, I am going to tell you anyway. (you know I love a teachable moment)
Simply put, we can count ANYTHING.
Blocks on the counter? Yep. Touch and count.
Blueberries in a snack container? Steps to the car?
How about counting with stickers? Absolutely.
See that? We simply have too many objects in our every day to use that counting.
Taking something in our preschooler’s world and combining it with a learning skill is 100% how children learn. Asking them to sit quietly at a desk with pencil and paper is not.
Okay, now that I am off my soapbox, let’s get set up!
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- Paper tubes
- Painter’s tape
- Counting bears (you can also use pom poms)
- Large foam dice
RELATED: Here are 101+ hands-on activities all organized in one place!
Roll and Drop is played just as it sounds!
- Tape paper rolls together and hang them on the wall.
- Remember to keep the top in a place your preschooler can reach.
- Place a container of counting bears or pom poms under the tube.
- Add one or two dice next to the activity.
- Invite your preschooler to count the amount of dots.
- Drop in the same amount of bears down the tube.
Sit on the sidelines with your hot coffee or feed your baby on the couch as your preschooler works. Often, young children want us close rather than need our participation.
Have paper tubes?
Here is a collection of our favorite ideas!
Keep this counting activity up for days!
Children love repeating familiar and enjoyable ideas. If your child loves this idea, keep it up.
You can create extensions by:
- Switching out what is dropped down the tube
- Add an extra dice
- Play with a deck of cards
- Encourage your child to make more drops with extra paper tubes and tape.
Ready to roll and drop? Let’s do this!
This preschool counting activity is one you do not want to miss.