What is Playing Preschool?
Playing Preschool Years 1 & 2 are ebooks. They are each broken into 19 units of learning.
Susie Allison suggests that all families begin with Year One. The two ebooks work together and follow a scope and sequence.
It is important to go in order and begin with YEAR ONE. I personally purchased both of the ebooks.
Days with Grey is a participant in the Busy Toddler’s Affiliate Program. As an affiliate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Read more about these links in my disclosure policy. All opinions are my own, and this post reflects my honest views about her Playing Preschool Program.
Let’s get started and take a peek inside Busy Toddler’s, Playing Preschool.
Busy Toddler, Playing Preschool, Unit One – Apples
Playing Preschool Activity: Sorting Apples
By Kindergarten, children following the Common Core will be asked to:
Classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of items in each category, and sort the categories by count.1
Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common to see which object has “more of”/”less of” the attribute, and describe the difference.
Playing Preschool Activity: Apple Stamping
Skills taught: Investigation and Introduction into the terms stem, core, seeds, skin, and flesh.
By Kindergarten, children following the Common Core Standards will be asked to:
Describe measurable attributes of objects, such as length or weight. Describe several measurable attributes of a single object. – You can begin to discuss the size, shape, and how the apple feels when you hold it in your hand.
With guidance and support from adults, recall information from experiences or gather information from provided sources to answer a question.
Playing Preschool Activity: Creating a 5 Frame of Apples
By Kindergarten, children will be asked to:
When counting objects, say the number names in the standard order, pairing each object with one and only one number name and each number name with one and only one object.
Count to answer “how many?” questions about as many as 20 things arranged in a line.
Things to Know about Playing Preschool:
This is an ebook, which means you will be sent a link that allows you to download a PDF containing the ebook and all the resources. You can save it to your computer or iPad* and then either read it on screen or print some/all of the pages, as you prefer.
You can buy the ebook wherever you are in the world. The ebook costs US $39.99.
The Playing Preschool ebook is published and sold by Susie at busytoddler.com. Please direct any customer service queries regarding purchases of the ebook to susie@busytoddler.com.
You are obviously an affiliate for Busy Toddler, but I’m curious to know if you have looked at or considered comparing A Year of Playing Skillfully to The Playing Preschool. Thanks!
Hi Syndei!
I am unfamiliar with Playing Skillfully and the author. I took a quick look after reading your comment, and it looks like another good option to consider.
I am very confident in what Susie has created with Playing Preschool so this is the only program that I fully endorse. She has a great price point and approach to learning. I have purchased Playing Preschool one and two and am very happy with the organization and activities.
xo, Beth
Hello, would this curriculum prepare child for kindergarten? Will the child learn letter sounds, sight words, rhyming?
Hi! This is a preschool curriculum. It will expose your child to sounds, rhyming, and much more. This is a hands-on way to learn through play. This homeschool program is great for kids preparing for Kindergarten.
I have a 3 year old son that loves to learn! Unfortunately with the shelter in place going on right now, he is unable to attend his MDO anymore. I am a former elementary teacher and have enjoyed teaching him at home over the past couple of weeks, but looking for a simpler way to do so (a one stop shop). I am highly considering buying the Playing Preschool book, however I wanted your honest opinion on purchasing both books or just Year 2? As I said he is 3 years old – but can count to 20, knows his shapes, knows how to spell his name, can recognize upper case and lower case letters, and can match most letter sounds to words. Am I ok with getting just Year 2? Thanks – August
Hi August!
Playing Preschool is fantastic. Susie does a beautiful job of reaching and spiraling many skills. I know you will be MORE than pleased.
Start with Year ONE – Use the CODE: HOME25 to receive 25% right now due to COVID-19.