Ready to play outside? Shaving cream and LEGOS messy play will captivate your audience of little people at home. This preschool sensory bin does get a little messy, but it is nothing that a hose and some water can wash away.
Related: Here are super fun 40 sensory bins for kids.
How we think of this messy sensory bin
Shaving cream and LEGOS are hot commodities here. So when the two collide, it makes a messy play sensation!
Okay, I know these are technically called Duplos. The little LEGOS would probably get a bit lost with this. I am telling you, add some shaving cream to this open-ended toy and watch the sensory play explode.
The boys built, explored new textures, and got messy—pure childhood bliss.
RELATED: Looking for ideas this summer? Don’t miss this FREE DOWNLOAD to help get water play started.
Craving a calmer morning?
Breakfast Invitations are simple learning games that begin the day with play.
Indoor toys outside
Bringing indoor toys outside will almost always help inspire new play. Remember when we got our Hot Wheels tracks out? It is a lot like that. The change in scenery is effortless and unexpected fun.
So grab the bucket of Duplos, and raid the bathroom for shaving cream! Let’s make a memory as we learn through play.
RELATED: Want to start a sensory bin with your toddler? This step-by-step guide to sensory play is so helpful.
Messy play can become dirty.
I get it. When we are exhausted and pulled in circles, the last thing we want to think about is one more thing that needs to be cleaned up. I get it.
Here are the things I look for when setting up messy play:
- My preschooler can help get the setup
- Setting up takes under five minutes
- The play lasts longer than setup and cleanup combined
- Can I hose them down once they are finished?
We have the green light if I answer yes to most of these listed above!
Since we’ve used shaving cream on foam blocks, making car tracks, and decorating a “cake,” I knew this would be a home run.
Here’s what is happening during this sensory play
As my five-year-old builds his tall tower, he comments about how much he loves this. He makes noises that go hand-in-hand with his construction.
My three-year-old knows shaving cream does not go into his mouth and tries to keep it off his face as he plays. His understanding of the guideline for messy play has evolved.
I sit close and try to stay quiet as they work. Sometimes it is tempting to add my ideas, but I try not to. Instead, I sit nearby and listen as simple play grows into imaginary play discoveries. Like messy water play, I am on the sidelines watching and learning.
I love what the NAEYC says in this article about the harm in a child painting their arms and getting messy with play. It is very similar to our article that supports sensory play.
RELATED: Outdoor supplies are saving our summer. Here is a collection of what we have!
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I like to use this black mat for sensory play. It is my husband’s indoor cycling mat that we have conveniently taken over.
These supplies are the same kind of toys you can find on our toy list for kids: timeless and open-ended.
How do we clean up from messy play?
Cleanup is simple.
Did you notice the boys were playing in their swimsuits? That way, I can hose them and the Duplos down when finished.
After getting rinsed, the swimsuit goes into the washing machine, and the LEGOS sit in the sun to dry. We pack it all up and bring it outside. The importance of sensory play is a massive perk to letting our young children get a little messy as they play.
Now, who is ready for shaving cream and LEGOS messy play?
We use Barbasol, but I do not love the smell. I am on the hunt for a foamy shaving cream that we can begin using to add more shaving cream sensory play activities to Days with Grey.
Try whip cream, Cool Whip, kinetic sand, or cloud dough will also work in this sensory bin.
Think about your child’s stage over the age. If your child can keep their hands off their face and eyes, this may be an excellent time to introduce shaving cream sensory play. Stay close and supervise as your child plays. Remember the alternatives listed above for a better fit for your child.