Inside: How to encourage block play with your preschooler. This simple math game will help your preschooler count and better understand the value of a number.
Fire up your preschooler’s thinking with this Block Play Breakfast Invitation. What’s a Breakfast Invitation? Start here.
Grab that basket of blocks (any size, shape, or color) and let’s get started!
What do children learn when playing with blocks?
Why is playing with blocks important?
Keep in mind that number games should be fun!
They can also be valuable.
WHY is this Block Play Game so valuable?
In Kindergarten, children will be asked to classify objects into given categories; count the numbers of objects in each category and sort the categories by count.
Socially, kids are working together to exchange ideas.
Physically, your preschooler is working on their fine motor development and hand-eye coordination.
Cognitive Development is souring as they take mental pictures from their every day and forming concrete forms with the blocks. Your children are also thinking logically about length, patterns and weight.
Language development is also booming with block play as your children describe what they create and ask questions.
Allow this Number Grouping Game to get your preschooler started!
Material List:
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Quick Breakfast Invitation:
Tape down a large sheet of paper.
Draw several circles on your paper.
Place a basket of blocks next to your set up.
Label them “Groups Of” with an amount you know your preschooler can complete first without help.
Increase difficulty with mastery.
How We Played:
After giving my four-year-old some time to think about what was in front of him, I began to read above each circle.
“Oh, I see. This one says a group of 6.“
“How can we show a group of 6?”
“I wonder how many blocks we would need to make a group of 6.”
You get it. Just play a little into how your preschooler will teach you.
You may even get an eye roll like, duh mom. How do you now know this?
Remember! Math and Preschool Activities Should Be Fun.
When your preschooler does not show interest, put it away.
When your preschool does not understand, take a step backward. Start small. Work your way up to larger concepts.
This is your preschooler’s time to SHINE. Find what they are good at and run with it boosting their confidence.
No Time to Make This Preschool Number Game?
Below are some Amazon Affiliate links to similar games.
You will also find many math games such as this on our Alphabet Activity Cards! Not to mention this Foam Block Activity from Busy Toddler, and this Salt Dough Block Activity from Munchkins and Moms are additional amazing ways to encourage block play!